KenMystery with Dr Ken

Date(s) - 09/11/2020 - 13/11/2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm

A magical chemistry and science show inspired by the ancient Greeks belief that everything was made of and explained by earth, water, air, and fire.

Join Dr Ken as he uncovers some strange science in the kitchen, finds out how weird water really can be, attempts some “airmazing” levitation and discovers how to make fire appear and safely disappear.

Be a scientist and follow along or try some of Dr Ken’s Experiments after the show. All you need is :

An Empty Coke Can, a Plastic drinking cup, breakfast box size cardboard, scissors, jug of water (300 ml ish), large plastic bowl, kitchen cloth to wipe up any spillages.

Where experiments involve water, set up and try them away from electrical devices like computers, pads etc. And wipe up any water straight away to avoid slipping on it.

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